General knowledge of Larnaca District the state/province of Cyprus

Mostly asked questions about the province Larnaca District

What is the country of Larnaca District ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Larnaca District ?

How many cities are in the state Larnaca District ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Larnaca District ?

What are the name of cities of Larnaca District ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Larnaca District

First question is about the country which is Cyprus and CY is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Larnaca District there is only 21 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Larnaca District by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Larnaca District
Country Name flag of CY Cyprus
Country Code CY
Total States of Cyprus 6
Total Cities of State 21

All Cities of Larnaca District

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Aradíppou 34.95151000 33.59199000
2 Athíenou 35.06180000 33.54156000
3 Ágios Týchon 34.72606000 33.13872000
4 Dhromolaxia 34.87551000 33.58684000
5 Kíti 34.84696000 33.57344000
6 Kórnos 34.92396000 33.39764000
7 Kofínou 34.82449000 33.39130000
8 Kolossi 34.66865000 32.93375000
9 Larnaca 34.92291000 33.62330000
10 Livádia 34.95118000 33.62658000
11 Meneou 34.86114000 33.59516000
12 Mosfilotí 34.95256000 33.42511000
13 Pérgamos 35.04167000 33.70833000
14 Pýla 35.01237000 33.69188000
15 Perivólia 34.83355000 33.58196000
16 Psevdás 34.94653000 33.46277000
17 Tersefánou 34.85411000 33.54746000
18 Troúlloi 35.03203000 33.61501000
19 Voróklini 34.98600000 33.65387000
20 Xylofágou 34.97743000 33.84894000
21 Xylotymbou 35.01720000 33.74245000